Our Mission

At Dropbear Outdoors, we do what we do for the love of the planet, future generations and the creatures we live with.

From the beginning, we have searched the world to find the best materials, manufacturers and charities that work with recycled goods and the latest techniques to ensure our customers get that satisfying feeling of use, re-use and repeat. But to be honest its not an easy road to travel! You would think living in the southern hemishere, that we would be leaders in a green and clean life, like the adverts portray. Sadly friends its an up hill battle, However this is still and will always be our mantra and goal. So everytime you don our product you can be assured that, we together are a part of a global solution destined to become leaders. It’s because of this experience, that we like to think of ourselves as a company on a mission..

When we talk about recycling, we don’t just mean our garments, we mean donation, conciousness and action. Our pledge is to support recycling on a global scale and your purchase will aid in this fight.

The confidence of knowing that you are shopping with a wholly Australian-owned company whose core values are integrity, design and quality, expert knowledge and conscious practice. We can guarantee you that every effort has been explored to accomplish our promise to the environment.

The confidence of knowing we are here to help create a better world, while encouraging a better quality of life for future generations. You will feel the comfort and attention of our towels as a added bonus to an already exceptional experience. After all, we believe that sustainability is what binds us together regardless of perception.

With online delivery across all boundaries, regardless of time zones, borders and distance. We hope to share a place in your home and future.